Wednesday, July 8, 2009


actly smlm tak sempat nak tjk semua gambo yg aku suka sgt...sbb kejar tuk latihan arini...early morning, de 1st thing i want to do is...upload all the pics...ok....saje tuk tatapan korang....kasi COOOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL......(ada yg hot ke?) kita mulakan dgn de 1st pic in my heart...
what wonderful wallpaper
perghhhh romantik nye... marvellous

alam flora...i like, just nice

cheeky too...
u r mine...(leh tuk kawan atau kekasih hati ye)
peace to all...SMILE...


.:fyzz:. said...

haluuu zidah..i miss u..heheh yuck..msti ko kata gitu kan..heehh..owh ya..ha cam nih la senang nk mengomen..hari tuh aku dok heran bin ajaib awat la tak leh nak komen..btw..nice blog ko skrgn nih yer baru nmpak double m n mr mazri ko...owh ya apa makna ko depa tangan kt tag atas ko nih..leh aku teka..msti ko kata welcome to my blog kan..heheh..niway..teruskan mengeblog..caiyuk..

~aSHa~ said...

ko ni pijot..mmg sweet betul2 semua ko ckp tu kecuali perkataan 'yuck' tu..ko ckp i miss u, aku jwb...miss u too...three, four,five n six....

♥cikmOt♥ said...

malas ar masuk blog ko ni...semak ngan lagu...tensi aku...terbantut aku ngah dengo ayat2 quran ni...huh